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The use of RIDE is subject to the conditions of the MIT licence. The installation and use of RIDE does not convey any additional rights to use Dyalog or any other Dyalog products. Specifically, although the interpreter can be configured to allow RIDE to debug runtime executables, you should only do this if your Dyalog licence also allows it.

RIDE is a cross-platform, graphical development environment capable of producing a rich user experience. With it, you can use APL interactively to explore data, discover algorithms and create solutions – or diagnose problems, resolve issues and resume the execution of running applications.

RIDE runs separately from the APL interpreter, but can communicate with any local or remote APL session. It can launch APL sessions on remote machines or to connect to APL interpreters that are already running.

An interpreter can also provide RIDE's interface as a web page. This makes it possible to control a remote interpreter thorugh a browser, without installing RIDE on your machine. For this zero-footprint mode to work on Windows, RIDE needs to be installed on the machine where the interpreter is running, however, it comes with the interpreter installation on all other platforms.

On Windows, the interpreter has a built-in IDE, which continues to provide the richest environment, however, RIDE the recommended interface on all other platforms.