EWC is developed as an open-sourcen GitHub repository. To download the code, you can either install Git and clone the repository using the following command:
git clone
Alternatively, you can just download a zip file containing all the code.
Verify Installation
The simplest way to verify installation is to run the demo application:
]link.create # /path/to/ewc
demo.Run 'Desktop'
This will pop up a form with a Dyalog logo and a dropdown on the right which allows you to select a variety of simple test applications that have been used to test EWC during development.
Note that, if you use ]link.import
instead of ]link.create
, or you do not have
.NET and a File System Watcher available, you will also need to set the variable
to point to the location of the EWC repository. For example:
The Demo Application
The demo application provides several examples that illustrate the use of EWC. It supports Desktop, Browser and Multi modes - and will run in the mode that you select using the right argument.
For each example in the drop-down menu, you will find the corresponding source code
in a function called demo.DemoXXX
, where XXX
is the name selected in the drop-down.
Building your Own Application
After linking ewc, you can create a form as follows:
EWC.Init 'Desktop'
'F1' eWC 'Form' 'Hello World' (10 10) (400 600)
This should create an HTMLRenderer window with the caption "Hello World". For more information on getting started, see initialisation.
EWC Development
If you are developing EWC, or you are working with EWC developers and need to quickly pick up changes to the JavaScript client, it may be a good idea to clone the client code separately. In order for EWC to automatically find this code, it must be located in a folder called ewc-client, in the same folder as EWC itself.
You can achieve this using:
git clone