Niladic (Default) Constructors

A Class may define a niladic Constructor and/or one or more Monadic Constructors. The niladic Constructor acts as the default Constructor that is used when ⎕NEW is invoked without arguments and when APL needs a fill item.

:Class Bird
    :Field Public Species

     egg spec
      :Access Public Instance
      :Implements Constructor
      :Access Public Instance
      :Implements Constructor
      Species'Default Bird'
      :Access Public
      R'Tweet, tweet!'

:EndClass ⍝ Bird

The niladic Constructor (in this example, the function default) is invoked when ⎕NEW is called without Constructor arguments. In this case, the Instance created is no different to one created by the monadic Constructor egg, except that the value of the Species Field is set to 'Default Bird'.

      Birdy⎕NEW Bird
Default Bird

The niladic Constructor is also used when APL needs to make a fill item of the Class. For example, in the expression (3↑Birdy), APL has to create two fill items of Birdy (one for each of the elements required to pad the array to length 3) and will in fact call the niladic Constructor twice.

In the following statement:


The 10↑ (temporarily) creates a 10-element array comprising the single entity Birdy padded with 9 fill-elements of Class Bird. To obtain the 9 fill-elements, APL calls the niladic Constructor 9 times, one for each separate prototypical Instance that it is required to make.

Default Bird