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Monadic Example

In the following example, DomesticParrot is derived from Parrot which is derived from Bird. They all share the Field Species (inherited from Bird) but only a DomesticParrot has a Field Name. Each of the 3 Classes has its own Constructor called egg.

:Class Bird
    :Field Public Species
     egg spec
      :Access Public Instance
      :Implements Constructor
:EndClass ⍝ Bird

:Class Parrot: Bird
     egg species
      :Access Public Instance
      :Implements Constructor :Base 'Parrot: ',species
:EndClass ⍝ Parrot

:Class DomesticParrot: Parrot
    :Field Public Name
     egg(name species)
      :Access Public Instance
      :Implements Constructor :Base species
      ⎕DF Namename
:EndClass ⍝ DomesticParrot
      pol⎕NEW DomesticParrot('Polly' 'Scarlet Macaw')
Parrot: Scarlet Macaw


⎕NEW creates the new instance and runs the Constructor DomesticParrot.egg. The egg header splits the argument into two items name and species. As soon as the line:

:Implements Constructor :Base species

is encountered, ⎕NEW calls the Base Class constructor Parrot.egg, passing it the result of the expression to the right, which in this case is simply the value in species.

Parrot.egg starts to execute and as soon as the line:

:Implements Constructor :Base 'Parrot: ',species

is encountered, ⎕NEW calls its Base Class constructor Bird.egg, passing it the result of the expression to the right, which in this case is the character vector 'Parrot: ' catenated with the value in species.

Bird.egg assigns its argument to the Public Field Species.

At this point, the state indicator would be:

[#.[Instance of DomesticParrot]] #.Bird.egg[3]*
[#.[Instance of DomesticParrot]] #.Parrot.egg[2]
[#.[Instance of DomesticParrot]] #.DomesticParrot.egg[2]

Bird.egg then returns to Parrot.egg which returns to DomesticParrot.egg.

Finally, DomesticParrot.egg[3] is executed, which establishes Field Name and the Display Format (⎕DF) for the instance.