Distributed Assignment
Assignment pervades nested strands of names to the left of the arrow. The conformability rules are the same as for scalar (pervasive) dyadic primitive functions such as '+
'. The mechanism can be viewed as a way of naming the parts of a structure.
EMP.(FirstName Age)
EMP.(FirstName Age)←('Jonathan' 21)('Pauline' 22)
EMP.(FirstName Age)
Johnathan 21 Pauline 22
⍝ Distributed assignment is pervasive
JOHN.Children.(FirstName Age)
Andy 23 Katherine 19
JOHN.Children.(FirstName Age)←('Andrew' 21)('Kate' 9)
JOHN.Children.(FirstName Age)
Andrew 21 Kate 9
More Examples
((a b)(c d))←(1 2)(3 4) ⍝ a←1 ⋄ b←2 ⋄ c←3 ⋄ d←4
((⎕io ⎕ml)vec)←0 ⎕av ⍝ ⎕io←0 ⋄ ⎕ml←0 ⋄ vec←⎕av
(i (j k))+←1 2 ⍝ i+←1 ⋄ j+←2 ⋄ k+←2
⍝ Naming of parts:
((first last) sex (street city state))←n⊃pvec
⍝ Distributed assignment in :For loop:
:For (i j)(k l) :In array
⍝ Ref array expansion:
(x y).(first last)←('John' 'Doe')('Joe' 'Blow')
(f1 f2).(b1 b2).Caption←⊂'OK' 'Cancel'
⍝ Structure rearrangement:
rotate1←{ ⍝ Simple binary tree rotation.
(a b c)d e←⍵
a b(c d e)
rotate3←{ ⍝ Compound binary tree rotation.
(a b(c d e))f g←⍵
(a b c)d(e f g)