:Class Statement

:Class <class name><:base class name> <,interface name...>

:Include <namespace>

A class script begins with a :Class statement and ends with a :EndClass statement. The elements that comprise the :Class statement are as follows:

Element Description
class name Optionally, specifies the name of the Class, which must conform to the rules governing APL names.
base class name Optionally specifies the name of a Class from which this Class is derived and whose members this Class inherits.
interface name The names of one or more Interfaces which this Class supports.

A Class may import methods defined in separate plain Namespaces with one or more :Include statements. For further details, see Including Namespaces in Classes.


The following statements define a Class named Penguin that derives from (is based upon) a Class named Animal and which supports two Interfaces named BirdBehaviour and FishBehaviour.

:Class Penguin: Animal,BirdBehaviour,FishBehaviour

The following statements define a Class named Penguin that derives from (is based upon) a Class named Animal and includes methods defined in two separate Namespaces named BirdStuff and FishStuff.

:Class Penguin: Animal
:Include BirdStuff
:Include FishStuff