TabObj Property
Applies To: SubForm, TabBar, TabBtn, TabButton, TabControl
TabObj is a ref or a character vector.
TabObj associates a SubForm with a TabBtn or a TabButton object. Selecting the associated TabBtn or TabButton causes the SubForm to be given the input focus.
For a SubForm, it specifies the name of, or ref to, a TabBtn or TabButton object that is to be associated with the SubForm. When referenced or queried using ⎕WG
, TabObj returns a name if it was specified by a name, or a ref if it was specified by a ref.
For TabBtn and TabButton objects, TabObj is a read-only property that contains a ref to the associated SubForm.
For a TabBar or TabControl, TabObj is a read-only property that contains a ref to the currently selected TabBtn or TabButton.