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Getting Started

This tutorial, as provided, supports the 64-bit Unicode version of Dyalog only.

The tutorial described in this Chapter was originally designed (for Dyalog Version 10) to be exercised in a console window, with the user invoking the C# compiler directly using a command-line interface. It was originally envisaged to be run in-situ in the samples\aplclasses sub-directory.

Today, the samples\aplclasses sub-directory is read-only, and direct access to the C# compiler via a command-line interface is problematical. Another consideration is the change in requirement for dependent Dyalog DLLs, which must now reside in the same directory as the host program.

The tutorial has therefore been re-factored to use Microsoft Visual Studio. The samples\aplclasses sub-directory has been expanded to support .NET Core (now renamed simply .NET) which is cross-platform as well as the original .NET Framework which is Windows only.

All the examples are to be executed as simple console applications written in C# in the framework of Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (hereafter referred to as VS). To run the examples as described herein, you should install VS, taking care to include all the components needed to create a C# console application. suitable VS project files are included in the samples\aplclasses sub-directory.


The first step is to copy the samples\aplclasses sub-directory into a directory to which you have write access. For example, into d:\aplclasses.

Each of the sub-directories contained in aplclasses, namely aplclasses1 - aplclasses7, represents a separate example application. Within each one the file structure is as follows:

aplclasses[n].dws APL workspace
Framework Files for the .NET Framework
Framework\program.cs C# program
Framework\project.sln VS solution file
Framework\project.csproj. C# project file
Framework\bin Directory containing the C# program and DLLs

When the application is executed by VS it will be run in the bin sub-diredctory.

It is mandatory that the Dyalog .NET class, and all the Dyalog DLLs on which it depends, reside in the same directory as the host program.

Therefore, copies of the requisite Dyalog DLLs are provided in the binsub-directory. These DLLs are:

  • Development DLL and/or Run-Time DLL (this tutorial uses the Development DLL)
  • Bridge DLL
  • DyalogNet DLL

Running the Tutorial

Each example consists of two parts. First you will )LOAD a workspace, examine the code, and then export it as a DLL. The second (optional) part is to run the VS solution that hosts the DLL and view the results.

Each workspace contains a .NET Namespace called APLClasses which itself contains a single .NET Class called Primitives that exports a single method called IndexGen.