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The TemperatureConverterCtl3 Control

In the previous examples, events generated by control have been internal events, that is, events that have been detected and processed internally by the control itself.

A separate requirement is to be able to design a custom control that generates external events, that is, events that can be detected and handled by the page that is hosting the control. This example illustrates how to do this.

The TemperatureConverterCtl3 namespace is a copy of TemperatureConverterCtl2 with a couple of changes.

The first change is that it describes an event that the control is going to generate. This is done using ⎕NQ inside TemperatureConverterCtl3 like this:

   2 ⎕NQ '' 'SetEventInfo' 'Export'
               (('Double' 'Fahrenheit')
                ('Double' 'Centigrade'))

In this case, the name of the event is Export and it will report two parameters named Fahrenheit and Centigrade which are both of data type Double.

This version of the control presents a slightly different appearance to the previous one. The control itself is wrapped up in an HTML Table, with the conversion buttons arranged in a column. These buttons generate internal events that are caught and handled by the control itself. The third row of the table contains an additional button labelled Export which will generate the Export event when pressed. The Render function is shown below.

      Render output;TableRow;HTML;SET
[1]    :Access public override
[2]    :Signature Render  HtmlTextWriter output
[3]    TableRow{
[4]        HTML'<tr><td>',,'</td><td><input name=',UniqueID
[5]        HTML,' id=',,'Value type=text '
[6]        HTML,'value=',(),'></td>'
[7]        HTML,'<td><input type=button value=Convert'
[8]        HTML,' onClick="jscript:'
[9]        HTML,(Page.GetPostBackEventReference ⎕THIS ),'"></td></tr>'
[10]       HTML
[11]   }
[13]   HTML''
[14]   HTML'<table>'
[15]   HTML,'Fahrenheit'TableRow _FahrenheitValue
[16]   HTML,'Centigrade'TableRow _CentigradeValue
[18]   SET'<tr><td><input type=button value=Export '
[19]   SET,' onClick="jscript:'
[20]   SET,Page.GetPostBackEventReference ⎕THIS'Export'
[21]   SET,'"></td></tr>'
[22]   HTML,SET,'</table>'
[23]   output.WriteHTML

Notice that Render[18] causes the Export button to generate a Postback event which will call RaisePostBackEvent with the argument 'Export'. Up to now, this is just an internal event just like the events generated by the conversion buttons.

The RaisePostBackEvent propagates this event to the host page.

      RaisePostBackEvent eventArgument
[1]    :Signature IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent String eventArg
[2]    :Select eventArgument
[3]    :Case 'Fahrenheit'
[4]        _CentigradeValueF2C _FahrenheitValue
[5]    :Case 'Centigrade'
[6]        _FahrenheitValueC2F _CentigradeValue
[7]    :Case 'Export'
[8]        4 ⎕NQ'' 'Export'_FahrenheitValue _CentigradeValue
[9]    :EndSelect

This is simply done by the third :Case statement, so that when the function is invoked with the argument 'Export', it fires an Export event. This is done by line [8] using 4 ⎕NQ. The elements of the right argument are:

[1] '' Specifies that the event is generated by this instance of the control
[2] 'Export' The name of the event to be generated
[3] _FahrenheitValue The value of the first parameter, Fahrenheit
[4] _CentigradeValue The value of the second parameter, Centigrade

It is then up to the page that is hosting the control to respond to the event in whatever way it deems appropriate.

Hosting the Control on a Page

The following example illustrates an ASP.NET web page that hosts the TemperatureConverterCtl3 custom control and responds to its Export event. The page uses a section of the page. It simply sets the Text property of two Label controls to display the parameters reported by the event.

The picture below illustrates what happens when you run the page. Notice that the user can independently convert values between the two temperature scales and export these values from the control, to the host page, by pressing the Export button.