Positioning and Sizing Forms and Controls

The position of a form or a control is specified by its Location property, which is measured relative to the top left corner of the client area of its container.

Location has a data type of System.Drawing.Point. To set Location, you must first create an object of type System.Drawing.Point then assign that object to Location.

Similarly, the size of an object is determined by its Size property, which has a data type of System.Drawing.Size. This time, you must create a System.Drawing.Size object before assigning it to the Size property of the control or form.

Objects also have Top(Y) and Left(X) properties that may be specified or referenced independently. These accept simple numeric values.

The position of a Form may instead be determined by its DeskTopLocation property, which is specified relative to the taskbar. Another alternative is to set the StartPosition property whose default setting is WindowsDefaultLocation, which represents a computed best location.