Creating an APLScript File

Conceptually, the simplest way to create an APLScript file is with Notepad, although you may use many other tools including Microsoft Visual Studio as described in the next Chapter.

  1. Start Notepad
  2. Choose Format/Font from the Menu Bar and select an appropriate Unicode font that contains APL symbols, such as APL 385 Unicode.
  3. Select an APL keyboard by clicking on your keyboard selector in the System Tray. Note that this keyboard setting (and button) is associated only with the current instance of Notepad. If you start another instance of Notepad, or another editor, you will have to select the APL keyboard for it separately and there will be two floating toolbars on your display.
  4. Now type in your APL code. If you use a Ctrl keyboard, you will discover that Ctrl+ keystrokes generate APL symbols For example, Ctrl+n generates .
  5. Choose File/Save. When the Save As dialog appears, ensure that Encoding is set to Unicode and Save as type: is set to All Files. Enter the name of the file, adding the extension .asmx or .aspx, and then click Save. Note that you have to save the .asmx file somewhere in an IIS Virtual Directory structure.