The APLScript Compiler

APLScript files are compiled into executable code by the APLScript compiler whose name is given in the table below.

  Unicode Edition Classic Edition
32-Bit dyalogc_unicode.exe dyalogc.exe
64-Bit dyalogc64_unicode.exe dyalogc64.exe

This program is called automatically by ASP.NET when a client application requests a Web Page (.aspx) or Web Service (.asmx) and in these circumstances always generates the corresponding .NET class. However, the Script Compiler may also be used to:

  • Compile an APLScript into a workspace (.dws) that you may subsequently run using dyalog.exe or dyalogrt.exe in the traditional manner.
  • Compile an APLScript into a .NET class (.dll) which may subsequently be used by any other .NET compatible host language such as C# or Visual Basic.
  • Compile an APLScript into a native Windows executable program (.exe), which may be run as a stand-alone executable. This program may be distributed, along with the Dyalog runtime DLL, as a packaged application, and does not require any of the additional support files and registry entries that are typically needed by the Dyalog run-time dyalogrt.exe. Note too that the Dyalog dynamic link library does not use MAXWS but instead allocates workspace dynamically as required. See the Dyalog for Microsoft Windows Installation and Configuration Guide: Run-Time Applications and Components for further details.
  • Compile a Dyalog workspace (.dws) into a native Microsoft Windows executable program, with the same characteristics and advantages described above.

The Script is designed to be run from a command prompt. If in the 64-bit Unicode Edition change to the appropriate directory and type dyalogc64_unicode /? (to query its usage) the following output is displayed:

c:\Program Files\Dyalog\Dyalog APL-64 18.0 Unicode>dyalogc64_unicode /?
Dyalog APLScript compiler 64 bit. Unicode Mode. Version 18.0.38524.0
Copyright Dyalog Ltd 2000-2020

dyalogc.exe command line options:

/?                Usage
/r:file           Add reference to assembly
/o[ut]:file       Output file name
/res:file         Add resource to output file
/icon:file        File containing main program icon
/q                Operate quietly
/v                Verbose
/s                Treat warnings as errors
/nonet            Creates a binary that does not use Microsoft .Net
/runtime          Build a non-debuggable binary
/lx:expression    Specify entry point (Latent Expression)
/t:library        Build .Net library (.dll)
/t:nativeexe      Build native executable (.exe). Default
/t:workspace      Build dyalog workspace (.dws)
/nomessages       Process does not use windows messages. Use when creating
                  a process to run under IIS
/console          Creates a console application
/c                Creates a console application
/multihost        Support multi-hosted interpreters
/unicode          Creates an application that runs in a Unicode intepreter
/wx:[0|1|3]       Sets ⎕WX for default code
/a:file           Specifies a JSON file containing attributes to be attached
       to the binary
/i:Process        Set the isolation mode of a .NET Assembly
/i:Assembly       Set the isolation mode of a .NET Assembly
/i:AppDomain      Set the isolation mode of a .NET Assembly
/i:Local          Set the isolation mode of a .NET Assembly

Note that the isolation mode specified by the /i option overrides the setting in web.config. See DyalogIsolationMode.

The /a option is used to specify the name of a JSON file that contains assembly info. For example:

dyalogc64_unicode.exe /t:library j:/ws/attributetest.dws /a:c:/tmp/atts.json

where c:/tmp/atts.json contains:

   "AssemblyVersion": "",
   "AssemblyFileVersion": "",
   "AssemblyProduct": "My Application",
   "AssemblyCompany": "My Company",
   "AssemblyCopyright": "Copyright 2020",
   "AssemblyDescription": "Provides a text description for an assembly.",
   "AssemblyTitle": "My Assembly Title",
   "AssemblyTrademark": "Your Legal Trademarks"