Handling Pointers with Dyalog.ByRef

Certain .NET methods take parameters that are pointers.

An example is the DivRem method that is provided by the System.Math class. This method performs an integer division, returning the quotient as its result, and the remainder in an address specified as a pointer by the calling program.

APL does not have a mechanism for dealing with pointers, so Dyalog provides a .NET class for this purpose. This is the Dyalog.ByRef class, which is a provided by an Assembly that is loaded automatically by the Dyalog program.

Firstly, to gain access to the Dyalog .NET Namespace, it must be specified by ⎕USING. Note that you need not specify the Assembly (DLL) from which it is obtained (the Bridge DLL), because (like mscorlib.dll) it is automatically loaded by when APL starts.

      ⎕USING'System' 'Dyalog'

The Dyalog.ByRef class represents a pointer to an object of type System.Object. It has a number of constructors, some of which are used internally by APL itself. You only need to be concerned about two of them; the one that takes no parameters, and the one that takes a single parameter of type System.Object. The former is used to create an empty pointer; the latter to create a pointer to an object or some data.

For example, to create an empty pointer:

      ptr1⎕NEW ByRef

Or, to create pointers to specific values,

      ptr2⎕NEW ByRef 0
      ptr3⎕NEW ByRef (⊂⍳10)
      ptr4⎕NEW ByRef (⎕NEW DateTime (2000 4 30))

Notice that a single parameter is required, so you must enclose it if it is an array with several elements. Alternatively, the parameter may be a .NET object.

The ByRef class has a single property called Value.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
30/04/2000 00:00:00

Note that if you reference the Value property without first setting it, you get a VALUE ERROR.


Returning to the example, we recall that the DivRem method takes 3 parameters:

  1. the numerator
  2. the denominator
  3. a pointer to an address into which the method will write the remainder after performing the division.
          remptr⎕NEW ByRef
          Math.DivRem 311 99 remptr

In some cases a .NET method may take a parameter that is an Array and the method expects to fill in the array with appropriate values. In APL there is no syntax to allow a parameter to a function to be modified in this way. However, we can use the Dyalog.ByRef class to call this method. For example, the System.IO.FileStream class contains a Read method that populates its first argument with the bytes in the file.

      ⎕using'System.IO' 'Dyalog' 'System'
      fs⎕NEW FileStream ('c:\tmp\jd.txt' FileMode.Open) 
      fs.Read(arg⎕NEW ByRef,⊂⊂250)0 25
104 101 108 108 111 32 102 114 111 109 32 106 111 104 110 32 100 97 105 110 116 114 101 101 10