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Value Set {R}←{X}⎕VSET Y

⎕VSET enables values to be set for names in a target namespace or target namespaces.

Y specifies the names and the values to set for them. It must be one of the following:

  • a nested vector or scalar, where each element is a name-value pair. The name must be a simple character vector.
  • a two-element nested array, where the first element is a matrix of names and the second element is a vector or scalar of value(s). If multiple names are specified and the value is a scalar, the same value is used for all names.

All names must have nameclass 0, 2, 8 or 9 in the target namespace(s). For more information on nameclasses, see ⎕NC.

If specified, X must be an array that references one or more namespaces. This means that X must be one of:

  • a simple character scalar or vector identifying the name of a namespace.
  • a reference to a namespace.
  • an array in which each item is one of the above. If X refers to multiple namespaces, then ⎕VSET processes each item of X in ravel order, using the entire right argument Y; this is equivalent to X ⎕VSET¨⊂Y.

The namespace(s) referenced must already exist, or a VALUE ERROR is generated.

If X is not specified, the target namespace is the current namespace.

The result R is a shy reference to the target namespace(s).

See also ⎕VGET.


Name value pairs:

      ⎕VSET ('name1' 123) ('name2' (1 2 'hello'))
1 2  hello

      (ns1 ns2 ns3)()()()
      ns1 'ns2' ns3 ⎕VSET ('X1' 'X value') ('Y1' 'Y value')
      (ns1 ns2 ns3).(X1 Y1)
  X value  Y value    X value  Y value    X value  Y value

Name matrix and value vector:

      names'name1' 'name2' 'name3'
      values1 2 3
      ⎕VSET names values
      name1 name2 name3
1 2 3

Single name-value pair:

      ⎕VSET 'name1' (10 20 30)
      ⎕VSET ,⊂'name2' (40 50 60)
10 20 30
40 50 60

Multiple names, with a single value:

      names'name1' 'name2' 'name3'

      ⎕VSET names (value)
      name1 name2 name3

Variant Option: Trigger

The Trigger variant option specifies whether any triggers should be run for the modified variables in the target namespace that have triggers attached. The value must be a Boolean scalar. The default is 0, meaning that triggers are not run.


      ⎕VR 'trigger'
     trigger arg
[1]   :Implements Trigger name1,name3
[2]   'Running trigger for: ',arg.Name

      ⍝ name1 has a trigger, name2 does not
Running trigger for: name1

      ⍝ Without the trigger option, triggers are not run by ⎕VSET
      ⎕VSET ('name1' 1) ('name2' 2) ('name3' 3)
      ⎕VSET'Trigger' 0('name1' 1) ('name2' 2) ('name3' 3)

      ⍝ With the trigger option enabled, triggers are run
      ⎕VSET'Trigger' 0('name1' 1) ('name2' 2) ('name3' 3)
Running trigger for: name1
Running trigger for: name3