Source R←⎕SRC Y

⎕SRC returns the script that defines the scripted object Y.

Y must be a reference to a scripted object. Scripted objects include Classes, Interfaces and scripted Namespaces.

R is a vector of character vectors containing the script that was used to define Y.

      )ed MyClass
:Class MyClass
 rfoo arg
:Access public shared


      z⎕SRC MyClass
 14  15  27  13  5  9 
 :Class MyClass
      rfoo arg
       :Access public shared


The only two ways to permanently alter the source of a scripted object are to change the object in the editor, or by refixing it using ⎕FIX. A useful technique to ensure that a scripted object is in sync with its source is to ⎕FIX ⎕SRC ref, where ref is an object reference.