Key Label R←⎕KL Y

Y is a simple character vector or a vector of character vectors containing Input Codes for Keyboard Shortcuts. In the Classic Edition, keystrokes are associated with Keyboard Shortcuts by the Input Translate Table.

R is a simple character vector or a vector of character vectors containing the labels associated with the codes. If Y specifies codes that are not defined, the corresponding elements of R are the codes in Y.

⎕KL provides the information required to build device-independent help messages into applications, particularly full-screen applications using ⎕SM and ⎕SR.


      ⎕KL 'RC'

      ⎕KL 'ER' 'EP' 'QT' 'F1' 'F13'
  Enter  Esc  Shift+Esc  F1  Shift+F1