Instances R←⎕INSTANCES Y

⎕INSTANCES returns a list all the current instances of the Class specified by Y.

Y must be a reference.

If Y is a reference to a Class, R is a vector of references to all existing Class Instances of Y. Otherwise, R is empty.


This example illustrates a simple inheritance tree or Class hierarchy. There are 3 Classes, namely:

    Bird (derived from Animal)
        Parrot (derived from Bird)
:Class Animal
:EndClass ⍝ Animal

:Class Bird: Animal
:EndClass ⍝ Bird

:Class Parrot: Bird
:EndClass ⍝ Parrot

      Eeyore⎕NEW Animal
      Robin⎕NEW Bird
      Polly⎕NEW Parrot

      ⎕INSTANCES Parrot
      ⎕INSTANCES Bird
 #.[Bird]  #.[Parrot] 
      ⎕INSTANCES Animal
 #.[Animal]  #.[Bird]  #.[Parrot] 
      Eeyore.⎕DF 'eeyore'
      Robin.⎕DF 'robin'
      Polly.⎕DF 'polly'

      ⎕INSTANCES Parrot
      ⎕INSTANCES Bird
 robin  polly 
      ⎕INSTANCES Animal
 eeyore  robin  polly