Over {R}←{X}f⍥gY
Classic Edition
The symbol ⍥
is not available in Classic Edition, and the Over operator is instead represented by ⎕U2365
can be any monadic function which returns a result. Y
can be any array that is suitable as the argument to function g
with gY
being suitable as the right argument to function f
If X
is omitted, f
must be a monadic function. If X
is specified, f
must be a dyadic function and X
can be any array that is suitable as argument to function g
with gX
being suitable as the left argument to function f
The derived function is equivalent to fgY
or (gX)f(gY)
and need not return a result.
The Over operator allows functions to be glued together to build up more complex functions. For further information, see Function Composition.
2 3 ,⍥⊂ 'text' ⍝ ,⍥⊂ ←→ {⍺⍵}
│2 3│text│
scores←82 90 76
weights←20 35 45
(weights×scores)÷⍥(+/)weights ⍝ Weighted average