Operational Settings
Description | Prior to starting a Jarvis instance, CodeLocation specifies where Jarvis will look for your endpoint code. CodeLocation can be any of:
CodeLocation is set to a reference to the namespace containing your endpoint code. |
Default | '#' |
Examples | j.CodeLocation←#.myEndpoints ⍝ reference to namespace j.CodeLocation←'#.myEndpoints' ⍝ name of namespace j.Codelocation←'/home/me/myEndpoints' ⍝ folder j.CodeLocation←'/home/me/myEndpoints.apln' ⍝ file containing namespace definition |
Notes | If the environment variable DYALOG_JARVIS_CODELOCATION exists, it will override any other setting for CodeLocation . |
Description | ConnectionTimeout specifies the the amount of time in seconds that a connection may be idle before being closed. Jarvis will not close a connection that is currently being serviced by a long-running endpoint. |
Default | 30 |
Examples | j.ConnectionTimeout←120 ⍝ 2 minute timeout |
Notes | ConnectionTimeout is used by Jarvis 's "housekeeping" to prevent inactive connections from accumulating. |
Description | Setting Debug to a non-zero value will enable various types of debugging and reporting to take place. The valid values for Debug are:
Debug values are additive. For example 9 would stop on any error as well as enable Conga event reporting are |
Default | 0 |
Examples | j.Debug←2 ⍝ stop just before executing any user code |
Notes | While it is possible to set Debug to ¯1 to enable all forms of debugging, be mindful that additional values for Debug may be added in the future and this could lead to unintended behavior. |
Description | DefaultContentType specifies the HTTP content-type for Jarvis 's response if no content-type header has been specified by the user's endpoint code. |
Default | 'application/json; charset=utf-8' |
Examples | j.DefaultContentType←'application/xml; charset=utf-8' |
Notes | DefaultContentType should only be set when most of the responses from your endpoints will have a content-type other than 'application/json' . For individual responses that use a different content-type, set request.ContentType . |
Description | ErrorLevelInfo specifies how much information to include in the HTTP status message when an untrapped error occurs and Jarvis returns an HTTP status code of 500. Valid settings are:
Default | 1 |
Examples | j.ErrorInfoLevel←2 ⍝ include function name and line number |
Description | Hostname is the name of the host that Jarvis will insert into the "host" header of the response. If a response payload from Jarvis needs to include URLs pointing to other endpoints within the service, Hostname can be used to construct those URLS. |
Default | '' which means that Jarvis will use the result of 2 ⎕NQ # 'TCPGetHostID' (the IP address of the server on the local network) |
Examples | j.Hostname←'www.myJarvis.com' |
Notes | 2 ⎕NQ # 'TCPGetHostID' returns the IP address on the local network, which isn't of much use if the client is accessing Jarvis from an external network. Hostame exists to address this problem by providing an external address to Jarvis . |
Description | HTTPAuthentication indicates the HTTP authentication scheme that will be used to authenticate requests. Currently only HTTP Basic authentication is supported. Valid settings are:
Default | 'basic' |
Examples | j.HTTPAuthentication←'' ⍝ disable HTTP basic authentication |
Notes | See HTTP Basic Authentication |
Description | JarvisConfig is the name of the JSON (or JSON5) file, if any, that contains your Jarvis configuration. |
Default | '' |
Examples | j.JarvisConfig←'/home/myapp/jarvisconfig.json |
Notes | If you specify a relative path to the Jarvis configuration file, Jarvis will consider it to be relative to the current working directory as returned by 1 ⎕NPARTS '' |
Description | If CodeLocation specifies a folder from which to load your endpoints' code, LoadableFiles specifies a comma-delimited set of patterns to match when selecting files to load into workspace. |
Default | '*.apl?,*.dyalog' |
Examples | j.LoadableFiles←'*.apln,*.aplf,*.aplc' |
Notes | Dyalog has evolved its "code in files" methodology. In its early days, the .dyalog extension was used almost exclusively. Over time, and with the advent of Link , the common practice is to the use of file extension to indicate the particular type of APL object contained within the file - .aplf for a function, .apln for a namespace, .aplc for a class, and .apla for an array. |
Description | Logging is a Boolean setting that determines whether Jarvis will display certain internal log messages to the session. |
Default | 1 |
Examples | j←Jarvis.New '' j.Start ⍝ default is Logging←1 2024-12-06 @ - Starting Jarvis 1.18.4 2024-12-06 @ - Conga copied from C:\Program Files\Dyalog\Dyalog APL-64 19.0 Unicode/ws/conga 2024-12-06 @ - Local Conga v3.5 reference is #.Jarvis.[LIB] 2024-12-06 @ - Jarvis starting in "JSON" mode on port 8080 2024-12-06 @ - Serving code in # 2024-12-06 @ - Click to access web interface 0 Server started j.Stop 2024-12-06 @ - Stopping server... 0 Server stopped j.Logging←0 ⍝ turn off logging j.Start 0 Server started |
Notes | The messages controlled by Logging are internal, operational, messages.Request and HTTP logging capabilities will be available in a forthcoming Jarvis release. |
Description | Paradigm specifies the mode in which Jarvis will operate. Current valid values are:
Default | 'JSON |
Examples | j.Paradigm←'REST' |
Notes | You should set Paradigm before starting your Jarvis instance. |
Description | UseZip is a Boolean that tells Jarvis whether to send a compressed response payload if the client will accept it as indicated by the "accept-encoding" header in the client request. Valid values are:
Default | 0 |
Examples | j.UseZip←1 |
Notes | At present only "gzip" and "deflate" content-encodings are supported. ZipLevel controls the level of compression employed. |
Description | ZipLevel is an integer value between 0 and 9 and specifies the level of compression to use when Jarvis compresses the response payload (see UseZip ). Higher values result in a higher degree of compression albeit at the cost of performance. |
Default | 3 which seems to provide the best trade-off of compression versus speed. |
Examples | j.ZipLevel←6 |