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Operational Elements

For the purposes of this document, we will refer to result as the result namespace returned by Run when RequestOnly=0. result contains information about the request and the response, if any, from the host. Some settings from the request are copied into result.


The operational return code. This indicates if HttpCommand was able to form and send an HTTP request and process the response from the host. The sign of rc indicates:

  • rc=0 no operational error occurred.
  • rc<0 an operational error occurred.
  • rc>0 a Conga error occurred.

rc is further described in Messages and Return Codes. To verify that an HTTP request was successful, first check that result.rc=0 and then that result.HttpStatus is a HTTP status code you would expect from the host.


The operational status message. If rc=0, msg will generally be empty (''). msg will contain (hopefully) helpful information as to the nature of the error or condition. msg is further described in Messages and Return Codes.


IsOK is a function included in the result namespace that makes it easier to check if the HTTP request was successful by checking both that rc=0 and HttpStatus is a 200-series value. If the request was successful, IsOK will return 1, otherwise it will return 0.

Syntax bool ← IsOK
      result←HttpCommand.Get ''
result←HttpCommand.Get '' ⍝ domain does not exist


The number of millseconds that the request took to process.


OutFile is copied from the OutFile setting so that, if the response payload is written to file, the result namespace has a record of the file name.


If OutFile is non-empty, and the HTTP request was successful, BytesWritten is the number of bytes written to that file named by OutFile. Otherwise, BytesWritten is set to ¯1.