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Proxy-related Settings

Proxy-related settings are settings you use to specify attributes in order to use a proxy server for your request. See Using a Proxy Server for more information on how to use a proxy server with HttpCommand.



Description The URL for the proxy server which will relay the request.
Default ''
Example(s) h.ProxyURL←''
Details The format for ProxyURL is the same as URL.


Description The HTTP headers, if any, specifically for the proxy server's CONNECT request to the host.
Default 0 2⍴⊂''
Details The format for ProxyHeaders is the same as Headers.
If you specify proxy authentication either as a part of ProxyURL or by setting ProxyAuth and ProxyAuthType, HttpCommand will create a Proxy-Authorization header.


Description This setting is the authentication/authorization string appropriate for the authentication scheme specified in ProxyAuthType. Used along with ProxyAuthType, ProxyAuth is a shortcut for setting the proxy-authorization HTTP header for requests that require proxy authentication. If ProxyAuth is non-empty, HttpCommand will create a 'proxy-authorization' header and and set its value to ProxyAuthType,' ',ProxyAuth. If you happen set both ProxyAuth and a proxy-authorization header, ProxyAuth takes precedence.
Default ''
Example(s) h.ProxyAuth←'id' 'password' ⍝ HTTP Basic Authentication
h.ProxyAuth←h.Base64Encode 'id:password' ⍝ HTTP Basic Authentication
Details For HTTP Basic Authentication, ProxyAuth can be set to any of
  • HttpCommand.Base64Encode 'userid:password'
  • 'userid' 'password'
  • 'userid:password'
For the latter two items above:
  • it is permissible to not set ProxyAuthType as HttpCommand will infer the authorization scheme is HTTP Basic.
  • HttpCommand will properly format and Base64Encode the header value.
Alternatively, if you provide HTTP Basic credentials in ProxyURL as in '', HttpCommand will automatically generate a proper 'proxy-authorization' header.


Description This setting is used in conjunction with ProxyAuth and is a character vector indicating the authentication scheme. Three common authentication schemes are:
  • 'Basic' for HTTP Basic Authentication
  • 'Bearer' for OAuth 2.0 token authentication
  • 'Token' for other token-based authentication schemes such as GitHub's Personal Access Token scheme
Other values may be used as necessary for your particular HTTP request.
Default ''
Example(s) h.ProxyAuthType←'Basic'
Details If ProxyAuthType is not set and ProxyAuth is set to either a character vector in the form 'userid:password' or a 2-element vector of character vectors as in ('userid' 'password') HttpCommand will infer the ProxyAuthType to be 'Basic'.