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Messages and Return Codes

rc Values

The value of rc may be interpreted as follows:

Error Type rc Value Description
No error 0 HttpCommand was able to format and send the request and receive a response without error.
Conga error >0 If rc is a positive integer, it is a return code that is signalled by Conga when sending the request and receiving the response. If Conga detects an error at the operating system level, it will return the operating system return code. For instance, 10013 is the Microsoft Windows return code for "port in use".
Translation Error ¯2 You specified TranslateData←1 and HttpCommand was unable to translate an XML or JSON response payload using ⎕XML or ⎕JSON respectively or you used GetJSON and response content-type header was not 'application/json'.
Everything else ¯1 This is the generic return code for any error condition that is not signalled by Conga.

In general if rc=0 then msg will be empty. There are circumstances where msg will contain an informational message even if rc=0. These messages are included below.

In the following message descriptions, items that are enclosed in {} represent the value of that named item. For instance, {BufferSize} represents the value of the BufferSize setting. In many cases, the message text itself is sufficient to explain the condition and its resolution, but we document them nonetheless for completeness.

"Catch All" Messages

Message Unexpected {ERROR} at {location}
Description You should rarely, if ever, see this message. It is returned when an error occurred that wasn't anticipated or otherwise handled.
Resolution Try to find a consistently reproducible example and contact Dyalog support.
Message Invalid HttpCommand setting(s): {setting name(s)}
Description You passed a namespace argument New, Get, GetJSON, or Do or as a constructor argument to ⎕NEW and that namespace contained named elements that are not valid HttpCommand setting names.
Resolution Remove the named elements that are not HttpCommand setting names.
Message Stopped for debugging... (Press Ctrl-Enter)
Description This message is not returned in the result namespace, but is displayed when you have set Debug←2 and HttpCommand has stopped intentionally just prior to establishing the connection to the host.
Resolution Pressing Ctrl-Enter will open the debugger and trace into HttpCommand. Entering →⎕LC+1 will resume execution.

Non-Conga Setting Messages

These messages report problems with settings that prevent HttpCommand from creating a proper HTTP request to send to the host.

Message No URL specified
Description You didn't specify a URL setting.
Resolution Specify a valid URL.
Message URL is not a simple character vector
Description The URL setting isn't a simple character vector.
Resolution Make sure URL isn't nested or non-character.
Message Invalid host/port: {host}
Description You specified a URL that has a hostname followed by a colon (':') followed by something that does not parse as an integer. For example: ''
Resolution Correct (or omit) the bad port specification.
Message No host specified
Description HttpCommand couldn't find a host in the URL setting.
Resolution Ensure your URL conforms to the specification.
Message Invalid port: {port}
Description The port you specified is not in the range 1-63535.
Resolution Specify an integer port number in the range 1-65535.
Message Invalid protocol: {protocol}
Description HttpCommand thinks you've specified a protocol other than 'http://' or 'https://.
Resolution HttpCommand supports only the HTTP and HTTPS protocols. If you have not specified the protocol in your URL setting, HttpCommand will default to use HTTP. HTTPS will be used if you've specified either the default secure port (443) or supplied certificate information.
Message Cookies are not character
Description Cookies are specified as name/value pairs. All of the names and values need to be character.
Resolution Make sure Cookies names and values are character.
Message Headers are not character
Description Headers may be specified as name/value pairs. All of the names and values need to be character.
Resolution Make sure Headers names and values are character.
Message Improper header format
Description You used a value for Headers that did not conform to one of the formats described in the Headers specification.
Resolution Ensure that Headers conforms to the specification
Message Output file folder {foldername} does not exist.
Description The folder in your {OutFile} setting does not exist. HttpCommand will create the output file, if necessary, in an existing folder but HttpCommand will not create a new folder.
Resolution Either create the folder or change the OutFile setting.
Message No filename specified in OutFile or URL
Description If you do not specify a file name in OutFile, HttpCommand will attempt to use the file name specified in URL. However, if there is also no file name in URL, you will receive this message.
Resolution Specify a file name in either OutFile or URL.
Message Output file "{OutFile}" is not empty
Description You specified the name of an existing, non-empty, file in OutFile but did not specify to overwrite or append to the file.
Resolution Either specify a filename of a file that doesn't exist or is empty, or specify that the file is to be overwritten or appended to.

Conga Setting Messages

The messages in this section are related to the Conga settings in HttpCommand, not the actual execution of Conga code whose messages are described in "Conga Execution"-Related Messages.

Message CongaRef {CongaRef} does not point to a valid instance of Conga
Description You specified a CongaRef setting that is not the name of, or a reference to, the Conga or the DRCnamespace.
Resolution Check that CongaRef is actually the name of, or a reference to, the Conga or the DRCnamespace.
Message {location}.{namespace} does not point to a valid instance of Conga
Description HttpCommand searches for the Conga API according to these rules and found a namespace named either Conga or DRC, but that namespace is not a valid Conga namespace.
Resolution Either set CongaRef to point to a proper Conga or DRC namespace, or remove/rename the offending namespace.
Message CongaPath "{CongaPath}" does not exist
Description You specified a CongaPath that could not be found.
Resolution Set CongaPath to the name of an existing folder containing the Conga shared libraries, or do not set CongaPath and let HttpCommand use the Dyalog installation folder.
Message CongaPath "{CongaPath}" is not a folder
Description You specified a CongaPath that exists, but is not a folder.
Resolution Set CongaPath to the name of an existing folder containing the Conga shared libraries, or do not set CongaPath and let HttpCommand use the Dyalog installation folder.
Message {Conga API} was copied from {path}, but is not valid
Description HttpCommand was able to copy either the Conga or the DRC namespace according to the procedure described in Conga Default Behavior, but the namespace was not a valid Conga API.
Resolution Ensure that conga workspace from which HttpCommand attempted to copy the Conga API is proper and the same version as the shared libraries. See Integrating HttpCommand.
Message Neither Conga nor DRC were successfully copied
Description HttpCommand was unable to copy either the Conga or the DRC namespace according to the procedure described in Conga Default Behavior.
Resolution The most likely cause is that there is no conga workspace in the paths from which HttpCommand tried to copy. See Integrating HttpCommand.
Message Not found PublicCertFile "{PublicCertFile}"
Not found PrivateKeyFile "{PrivateKeyFile}"
Not found PublicCertFile "{PublicCertFile}" and PrivateKeyFile "{PrivateKeyFile}"
Description One or both of the file names you specified for PublicCertFile and PrivateKeyFile does not exist.
Resolution Set PublicCertFile and PrivateKeyFile to the names of certificate files that actually exist.
Message PublicCertFile is empty
PrivateKeyFile is empty
Description You have specified one of PublicCertFile or PrivateKeyFile, but not the other.
Resolution Be sure to set both PublicCertFile and PrivateKeyFile.
Message Invalid certificate parameter
Description You specified a value for Cert that is not a valid instance of Conga's X509 class.
Resolution Make sure that Cert</cert> is a valid instance of theX509` class.
Message Unable to decode PublicCertFile "{PublicCertFile}" as certificate
Description An error occurred when Conga attempted to use X509Cert.ReadCertFromFile with the value you specified for PublicCertFile.
Resolution Make sure PublicCertFile contains a valid certificate. See the Conga User Guide for more information.

Conga Execution Messages

The messages in this section are returned when Conga returns a non-zero return code, or an unexpected Conga event occurs. If there is a non-zero return code from Conga, it is returned in rc.

HttpCommand uses Conga's "HTTP" mode, where Conga will parse the response from the host. Some of the messages occur when the host sends an ill-formed response and Conga cannot parse it as HTTP. The ill-formed data is returned in the Data element of HttpCommand's result namespace.

Message Could not initialize Conga due to...
Description Conga could not be initialized for one of many reasons. The remainder of the message should give some indication as to what the problem was. Examples of problems include:
  • the Conga or DRC namespace that HttpCommand found is not a valid Conga interface.
  • the CongaPath setting does not point to an existing folder containing the Conga shared libraries.
  • HttpCommand was unable to find a valid Conga or DRC namespace and could not copy either from the conga workspace.
Resolution The resolution will depend on the circumstances described in the message. The Conga User Guide and/or the Integrating HttpCommandsection could be helpful here.
Message Conga client creation failed...
Description This will occur if Conga is not able to create a client connection to the host. The remainder of the message will indicate the specific Conga error message.
Resolution The resolution will depend on the circumstances described in the message. See the Conga User Guide.
Message Conga could not parse the HTTP response
Description The response from the host is not a properly formatted HTTP message.
Resolution Inspect the data returned by the host in the Data element of the result.
Message Response payload not completely received
Description This occurs when HttpCommand was able to receive and parse the HTTP headers from the host but, during the receipt of the response payload, an error occurred.
Resolution Attempt the request again. If the error persists, examine the headers and payload data, if any, returned by the host.
Message Conga error processing your request: {Conga return code}
Description Conga encountered some error that wasn't otherwise diagnosed or trapped.
Resolution See the Conga User Guide for guidance.
Message Socket closed by server
Description During processing of the request, the server unexpectedly closed the connection to HttpCommand.
Resolution Check that your request is proper for the host. See the Troubleshooting guide.
Message Unhandled Conga event type: {Conga event}
Description This should never occur, but for the sake of paranoia, we coded for the possibility of a Conga event that we didn't anticipate.
Resolution Try to find a consistently reproducible example and contact Dyalog support.
Message Conga wait error: {Conga return code}
Description An error occurred while Conga was waiting for a response from the host.
Resolution Re-attempt the request. Examine any data or headers that may have been received for clues.
Message Could not set DecodeBuffers on Conga client "{Conga client name}": {Conga return code}
Description This is another error that should never occur.
Resolution Try to find a consistently reproducible example and contact Dyalog support.
Message Conga failed to parse the response HTTP header
Description Conga received an HTTPHeader event but was unable to parse the received data as HTTP headers.
Resolution The unparsable data is returned in the Data element of the result namespace and may provide insight as to the problem.
Message Conga failed to parse the response HTTP chunk
Description Conga received an HTTPChunk event but was unable to parse the received data as an HTTP chunk.
Resolution The unparsable data is returned in the Data element of the result namespace and may provide insight as to the problem.
Message Conga failed to parse the response HTTP trailer
Description Conga received an HTTPTrailer event but was unable to parse the received data as an HTTP trailer.
Resolution The unparsable data is returned in the Data element of the result namespace and may provide insight as to the problem.
Message Conga error while attempting to send request: {Conga return code}
Description Conga was able to establish a connection to the host, but encountered an error when attempting to send the HTTP request.
Resolution Examine the request being sent as described in the Troubleshooting guide. The Conga User Guide may also be helpful.
Message Unable to set EventMode on Conga root
Description This is another message that should never occur.
Resolution Try to find a consistently reproducible example and contact Dyalog support.

Operational Messages

Message {ERROR} while trying to initialize output file "{OutFile}"
Description You specified an OutFile setting and an error occurred while trying to initialize the file.
Resolution {ERROR} should provide information that will help determine the resolution.
Message Response header size exceeds BufferSize {BufferSize}
Description The size of the response's HTTPHeader message exceeded the value set for BufferSize.
Resolution BufferSize is intended to help counteract maliciously large message headers. If the response headers are expected to be very large, increase the value of BufferSize.
Message Payload length exceeds MaxPayloadSize
Description The content-length header in the response had a value that exceeded the MaxPayload setting.
Resolution MaxPayloadSize is intended to help counteract maliciously large messages. If the response payload is expected to be very large, increase the value of MaxPayloadSize
Message Request timed out before server responded
Description The host did not respond within the number of seconds specified in the Timeout setting.
Resolution If you expect the host to be slow in responding, increase the magnitude of the Timeout setting.
Message Redirection detected, but no "location" header supplied.
Description The host responded with a 3XX HTTP status (redirection), but the response did not contain a location header indicating where to redirect the request.
Resolution This is a server-side problem.
Message Too many redirections ({MaxRedirections})
Description The host sent more 3XX HTTP status responses (redirections) than MaxRedirections specified.
Resolution MaxRedirections is intended to prevent redirection loops or too many redirection hops. If the redirections are legitimate, increase the value of MaxRedirections.
Message TRANSLATION ERROR occurred during response payload conversion (Data was not converted)
Description This will occur if the response payload contains an invalid UTF-8 sequence or if you are using a Classic interpreter and the response payload contains characters not found in ⎕AVU. Data will contain the response payload as an unconverted vector of single-byte integers.
Resolution If you're using a Classic interpreter, consider using a Unicode interpreter. Otherwise try to identify the offending characters/sequences and take appropriate action to remove or amend them.
Message Could not translate XML payload
Description If you specify TranslateData←1 and the response content-type header contains 'text/xml' or 'application/xml', HttpCommand will attempt to use ⎕XML to translate the payload. If ⎕XML fails, this message is returned and rc is set to ¯2.
Resolution This is probably due to the response payload containing incorrectly formatted XML. The untranslated payload is returned in the Data element of the response namespace.
Message Could not translate JSON payload
Description If you specify TranslateData←1 or use the GetJSON shared method and the response content-type header contains 'application/json', HttpCommand will attempt to use ⎕JSON to translate the payload. If ⎕JSON fails, this message is returned and rc is set to ¯2.
Resolution This is probably due to the response payload containing incorrectly formatted JSON. The untranslated payload is returned in the Data element of the response namespace.
Message Response content-type is not application/json
Description You used GetJSON and the response content-type header is not 'application/json'. rc is set to ¯2 and Data contains the response payload.
Resolution GetJSON expects the response content-type to be 'application/json'. If the host is expected to return some other content-type, consider using a method other than GetJSON.

Informational Messages

These messages are issued to inform you that, while there was no actual error,

Message Connection properties changed, connection reset
Description Unless otherwise specified, an instance of HttpCommand will attempt to keep the connection for the last request open. If any of the connection properties change on a subsequent request, the old connection closed and a new connection is established.
Resolution No resolution necessary.
Message Unhandled content-encoding: {content-encoding}
Description This message occurs if the response's content-encoding header is something other than 'gzip' or 'deflate'.It is intended to inform you that HttpCommand did not automatically decode the payload.
Resolution Your application will need to decode the payload.

Other Messages

These messages are not found in the msg element of result namespace, but are issued when using other features of HttpCommand.

Message Could not ⎕FIX file: {ERROR}{: Message}
Description The Fix method was not able to ⎕FIX the file content returned as the response payload.
Resolution Ensure that the requested file contains ⎕FIX-able contents.
Message Could not ⎕FIX new HttpCommand: {ERROR}{: Message}
Description The Upgrade method was not able to ⎕FIX a newer HttpCommand.
Resolution See Upgrade. If the problem persists, contact Dyalog support.
Message Upgraded to {new-version} from {old-version}
Description The Upgrade method was able to ⎕FIX a newer version of HttpCommand.
Resolution See Upgrade.
Message Already using the most current version {version}
Description The Upgrade method did not find a newer version of HttpCommand.
Resolution See Upgrade.