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Encode/Decode Methods

Base64 Encoding

Base64 is a binary-to-text encoding scheme that is used to transmit binary data over channels the only reliably support text content. Among Base64's uses are:

  • Embed images or other binary assets in HTML files.
  • Encode user credentials for HTTP Basic Authentication


Decode a Base64-encoded string or single-byte integer vector.

Syntax out←{cpo} HttpCommand.Base64Decode b64
b64 A character vector of Base64-encoded data.
cpo (optional) cpo stands for "code points only". It can be any value, its mere existence is all that is necessary. You would use it in the case where you do not want Base64Decode to perform a UTF-8 conversion on the result. In almost all use cases, you can ignore this argument.
out A character vector representing the decoded base-64 right argument.
      HttpCommand.Base64Decode 'RHlhbG9nIOKNuuKNtOKMig=='
Dyalog ⍺⍴⌊


Base64 encode a string or integer vector.

Syntax b64←{cpo} HttpCommand.Base64Encode in
in Either an integer vector with values in the range 0-255 or a character vector to be encoded
cpo (optional) cpo stands for "code points only". If not supplied, Base64Encode will first perform UTF-8 conversion on a character argument. If any value for cpo is supplied, no conversion will be performed. If in is integer, no conversion is performed. The only use case for this argument is when you have already UTF-8 converted the in and you don't want Base64Encode to perform a second conversion.
b64 A character vector representing the base-64 encoding of the right argument.
      HttpCommand.Base64Encode 'Dyalog ⍺⍴⌊'

URL Encoding

URLs can only be sent over the Internet using the ASCII character set. However, URLs often contain characters outside the ASCII character set. URL encoding converts strings to a format acceptable for transmission over the Internet. URLEncoding is also used to encode payloads for content-type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.


URLDecode a URLEncoded string.

Syntax out←HttpCommand.UrlDecode in
in A URLEncoded string
out The URLDecoding of in.
      HttpCommand.UrlDecode 'Dyalog%20%E2%8D%BA%E2%8D%B4%E2%8C%8A'
Dyalog ⍺⍴⌊

HttpCommand.UrlDecode 'name=Donald%20Duck'
name=Donald Duck

HttpCommand.UrlDecode 'first=Donald&last=O%27Mallard'


URLEncode a string or a set of name/value pairs.

Syntax out←{name} HttpCommand.UrlEncode in
in One of:
name (optional) The name for the URLEncoded right argument. Applies only in the case where in is a simple character vector.
out The URLEncoding of in.
      HttpCommand.UrlEncode 'Dyalog ⍺⍴⌊'

'name' HttpCommand.UrlEncode 'Donald Duck'

HttpCommand.UrlEncode ('first' 'Donald') ('last' 'O''Mallard')