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Conga-related Settings

In general, you will not need to set any of the Conga-related settings since the HttpCommand's defaults will suffice for almost all requests. For more information on Conga, please refer to the Conga User Guide.

Instance Settings


Description The maximum number of bytes that HttpCommand will accept for the HTTP status and headers received from the host.
Default 200000
Example(s) h.BufferSize←50000 ⍝ set a lower threshold
Details By default, when using Conga's HTTP mode, as HttpCommand does, BufferSize applies only to the data received by the HTTPHeader event. The intent is to protect against a maliciously large response from the host. If the data received by the HTTPHeader event exceeds BufferSize, HttpCommand will exit with a return code of 1135.


Description The number of milliseconds that Conga will wait (listen) for a response before timing out.
Default 5000
Example(s) h.WaitTime←10000 ⍝ wait 10 seconds
Details This setting applies only to the time Conga will wait internally for a response. There is generally no reason to modify this setting; if your request is timing out, you should set Timeout setting appropriately. See Timeout and WaitTime for more information on the relationship between the Timeout and WaitTime settings.


Description The certificate specification to be used for secure communications over SSL/TLS. If set, Cert can be either:
  • an instance of the Conga X509Cert class
  • a 2-element vector of character vectors representing the full path names to a public certificate file and a private key file. This is a shortcut that can be used instead of specifying both the PrivateKeyFile and PublicCertFile settings.
Default ''
Example(s) h.Init ⍝ initialize the local instance of Conga
h.Cert← 1⊃h.LDRC.X509Cert.ReadCertUrls ⍝ use first MS certificate store cert

h.Cert← 'path-to-certfile.pem' 'path-to-keyfile.pem'
Details In most cases when using HTTPS for secure communications, the anonymous certificate that HttpCommand will create for you will suffice and you need not set Cert. It should only be necessary to assign Cert in those cases where you need to specify a certificate for authentication purposes.

Note: Cert is also a positional argument for the shortcut methods (Get, GetJSON, Do, and New) as well as the HttpCommand constructor. Cert appears after the Headers positional argument. For example:
h← HttpCommand.Get '' '' '' ('certfile.pem' 'keyfile.pem')


Description PublicCertFile is a character vector containing the full path to a public certificate file when using HTTPS for secure communications. PublicCertFile is used in conjunction with PrivateKeyFile
Default ''
Example(s) h.PublicCertFile←'path-to-certfile.pem'
Details The use of Cert and PublicCertFile/PrivateKeyFile are mutually exclusive and you should only one or the other. If both Cert and PublicCertFile/PrivateKeyFile are specified, Cert takes priority.


Description PrivateKeyFile is a character vector containing the full path to a private key file when using HTTPS for secure communications. PrivateKeyFile is used in conjunction with PublicCertFile
Default ''
Example(s) h.PrivateKeyFile←'path-to-keyfile.pem'
Details The use of Cert and PublicCertFile/PrivateKeyFile are mutually exclusive and you should only one or the other. If both Cert and PublicCertFile/PrivateKeyFile are specified, Cert takes priority.


Description SSLFlags is used when using HTTPS for secure communications. It is a part of the certificate checking process and determines whether to connect to a server that does not have a valid certificate.
Default 32 which means accept the server certificate without checking it
Example(s) h.SSLFlags←8
Details For more information on the interpretation of SSLFlag values, see Conga User Guide Appendix C.

Note: SSLFlags is also a positional argument for the shortcut methods (Get, GetJSON, Do, and New) as well as the HttpCommand constructor. SSLFlags appears after the Cert positional argument.


Description The GnuTLS priority string that specifies the TLS session's handshake algorithms.
Example(s) h.Priority←'SECURE128:-VERS-TLS1.0'
Details In general, you would use a different value than the default only in rare and very specific circumstances. See GnuTLS Priority Strings for more information.

Note: Priority is also a positional argument for the shortcut methods (Get, GetJSON, Do, and New) as well as the HttpCommand constructor. Priority appears after the SSLFlags positional argument.

Shared Settings

Shared settings are set in the HttpCommand class and are used by all instances of HttpCommand.


Description The path to Conga resources
Default ''
Example(s) HttpCommand.CongaPath←'/myapp/dlls/'
Details This setting is intended to be used when Conga is not located in the Dyalog installation folder or the current folder, as might be the case when deploying HttpCommand as a part of a runtime application. CongaPath is used for two purposes:
  • If the Conga or DRC namespace is not found in the HttpCommand's parent namespace or in the root namespace (#), then CongaPath should be the path to the folder containing the conga workspace from which HttpCommand will copy the Conga namespace.
  • CongaPath should be the path to the folder containing the Conga shared libraries
See HttpCommand and Conga and/or Integrating HttpCommand for more information.


Description A reference to the Conga or DRC namespace or to an initialized instance of the Conga.LIB class.
Default ''
Example(s) HttpCommand.CongaRef← #.Utils.Conga
Details This setting is intended to be used when your application has other components that use Conga. To avoid having multiple copies of Conga, you can set CongaRef to point to an existing copy of the Conga API.
See HttpCommand and Conga and/or Integrating HttpCommand for more information.


Description Once HttpCommand has been initialized by processing a request, LDRC is a reference to the Conga API that HttpCommand is using.
Default N/A
Example(s)       HttpCommand.Get '' ⍝ run a request
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Details LDRC should be treated as a read-only setting. It provides a means to access the Conga API which may be helpful for debugging and informational purposes.


Description Once HttpCommand has been initialized by processing a request, CongaVersion is the version number, in major.minor format, of the Conga API that HttpCommand is using.
Default N/A
Example(s)       HttpCommand.Get '' ⍝ run a request
Details CongaVersion should be treated as a read-only setting. It provides information which may be helpful for debugging and informational purposes.