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Request-related Settings

Request-related settings are settings you use to specify attributes of the HTTP request that HttpCommand will process.



Description The case-insensitive HTTP command (method) for the request. Command is not limited to standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, OPTIONS, and DELETE, but can be any string provided that the host has implemented support for it.


Description The URL for the request.
The general format for URL is: [scheme://][userinfo@]host[:port][/path][?query]
At a minimum the URL must specify the host.
Details A URL has the general format:

So, a URL can be as simple as just a host name like '' or as complex as ''

The only mandatory segment is the host; HttpCommand will infer or use default information when it builds the HTTP request to be sent.
  • scheme - if supplied, it must be either 'http', or 'https' for a secure connection. If not supplied, HttpCommand will use 'http' unless you have specified the default HTTPS port (443) or provided SSL certificate parameters.
  • userinfo - used for HTTP Basic authentication. HTTP Basic authentication has generally been deprecated, but may still be supported by some hosts. If userinfo is supplied, HttpCommand will create a proper Base64-encoded authorization header.
  • host - the host/domain for the request
  • port - if not supplied, HttpCommand will use the default HTTP port (80) unless the HTTPS scheme is used or certificate parameters are specified in which case the default HTTPS port (443) is used.
  • path - the location of the resource within the domain. If not supplied, it's up to the domain's server to determine the default path.
  • query - the query string for the request. If the HTTP method for the request is 'GET' or 'HEAD' and request parameters are specified in Params, HttpCommand will properly format them and append them to the query string. If you choose to supply query string parameters directly, they should be properly URLencoded. (see URLencode)


Description The parameters or payload, if any, for the request. Params can be a set of name/value pairs or a character vector that is properly formatted for the ContentType or Command of the request. See details for more information.
Default ''
Example(s) The following examples are equivalent:
h.Params←(('name' 'dyalog') ('age' 39))
ns←⎕NS '' ⋄ ns.(name age)←'dyalog' 39 ⋄ h.Params←ns
Details If Params is not empty, its interpretation is dependent on Command and the content type of the request. The content type is determined by the ContentType setting or the presence of a content-type header.

If Command is 'GET' or 'HEAD', the request will generally not have a payload in the message body (and hence no specified content type) and Params will be URLEncoded if necessary and appended to the query string of URL.

If Command is neither 'GET' nor 'HEAD' and no content type has been specified, HttpCommand will attempt to infer the content type as follows:
  • If Params is a simple character vector and looks like JSON HttpCommand will set the content type as 'application/json'; otherwise it will set the content type to `application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. Params will then be processed as described below.
  • Otherwise HttpCommand will set the content type to 'application/json' and Params will be processed as described below.
If the content type is specified, Params is processed based on the content type and inserted as the payload of the request. If the content type is:
  • 'x-www-form-urlencoded': Params will be formatted using UrlEncode unless it already composed completely of valid URLEncoding characters.
  • 'application/json':
    • If Params is a character vector that is a valid JSON representation, it is left unaltered.
    • Otherwise Params will be converted to JSON format using 1 ⎕JSON.
    • In the case where Params is an APL character vector that is also valid JSON, you should convert it to JSON prior to setting Params. For example, if you have the character vector '[1,2,3]' and you want it treated as a string in JSON and not the numeric array [1,2,3], you should process it yourself using 1 ⎕JSON.
  • For any other content type, it is the responsibility of the user to format Params appropriately for that content type.


Description The HTTP headers for the request. Specified as one of:
  • a set of name/value pairs.
  • a character vector of of one or more name/value pairs in the form 'name:value' separated by CRLF (⎕UCS 13 10).
  • a vector of character vectors, each in the form 'name:value'
DefaultBy default, HttpCommand will create the following headers if you have not supplied them yourself:
Host: the host specified in URL
User-Agent: 'Dyalog/HttpCommand 5.0.1' or whatever the version happens to be
Accept: '*/*'

If the request content type has been specified, HttpCommand will insert an appropriate content-type header. If the request has content in the request payload, Conga will automatically supply a content-length header.
Example(s)The following examples are equivalent:
h.Headers←'accept' 'text/html' 'content-type' 'test/plain'
h.Headers←('accept' 'text/html')('content-type' 'test/plain')
h.Headers←'accept:text/html',(⎕UCS 13 10),'content-type:text/plain'


Description This setting is a convenient shortcut for setting the content-type HTTP header of the request. If you happen set both ContentType and a content-type header, ContentType takes precedence.
Example(s)h.ContentType←'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
Details See Content Types for additional information.


Description This setting is the authentication/authorization string appropriate for the authentication scheme specified in AuthType. Used along with AuthType, Auth is a shortcut for setting the authorization HTTP header for requests that require authentication. If Auth is non-empty, HttpCommand will create an 'authorization' header and and set its value to AuthType,' ',Auth. If you happen set both Auth and an authorization header, Auth takes precedence.
h.Auth←h.Base64Encode 'userid:password' ⍝ HTTP Basic Authentication
h.Auth←'userid' 'password' ⍝ HTTP Basic Authentication
Details For HTTP Basic Authentication, Auth can be set to any of
  • HttpCommand.Base64Encode 'userid:password'
  • 'userid' 'password'
  • 'userid:password'
For the latter two items above:
  • it is permissible to not set AuthType as HttpCommand will infer the authorization scheme is HTTP Basic.
  • HttpCommand will properly format and Base64Encode the header value.
Alternatively, if you provide HTTP Basic credentials in the URL as in '', HttpCommand will automatically generate a proper 'authorization' header.


Description This setting is used in conjunction with Auth and is a character vector indicating the authentication scheme. Three common authentication schemes are:
  • 'Basic' for HTTP Basic Authentication
  • 'Bearer' for OAuth 2.0 token authentication
  • 'Token' for other token-based authentication schemes such as GitHub's Personal Access Token scheme
Other values may be used as necessary for your particular HTTP request.
Details If AuthType is not set and Auth is set to either a character vector in the form 'userid:password' or a 2-element vector of character vectors as in ('userid' 'password') HttpCommand will infer the AuthType to be 'Basic'.

Note: While authentication schemes are supposed to be case insensitive, some servers are not so forgiving and require the authentication scheme to be appropriately cased.


Description UseZip controls whether the request payload is zipped. Valid values are:
  • 0 = do not zip the request payload.
  • 1 = use gzip encoding
  • 2 = use deflate encoding
Default 0
Details The ZipLevel setting controls the level of compression when using gzip or deflate encoding.


Description ZipLevel controls the level of compression when using gzip or deflate encoding. Valid values are 0 through 9. Higher values use a higher degree of compression but also consume more CPU.
Default 1
Details The UseZip setting controls which compression algorithm, if any, is used.


Description BaseURL can be used when making multiple requests to similar-named endpoints. Set BaseURL to the common root of the URLs that you will be using and then set URL to the remaining portion of the specific URL. BaseURL will be prepended to URL to form the complete URL for the request. Subsequent calls to other endpoints can be made by setting URL.
Default ''
[rc: 0 | msg:  | HTTP Status: 200 "OK" | ≢Data: 153884]
[rc: 0 | msg:  | HTTP Status: 200 "OK" | ≢Data: 1911]

[rc: 0 | msg:  | HTTP Status: 200 "OK" | ≢Data: 98869]
[rc: 0 | msg:  | HTTP Status: 200 "OK" | ≢Data: 867]
Details If URL begins with 'http://' or 'https://', BaseURL will not be prepended to URL.


Description Cookies is a vector of namespaces, each containing a representation of an HTTP cookie. It contains cookies sent by the host that may be used in a series of requests to the same host. This setting should be considered read-only.
Example(s) (c ← HttpCommand.New 'get' '').Run
[rc: 0 | msg: | HTTP Status: 200 "OK" | ⍴Data: 299959]
≢ c.Cookies
↑c.Cookies.(Name Host ('DD-MMM-YYYY'(1200⌶)Creation))
_gh_sess 05-AUG-2022
_octo 05-AUG-2022
logged_in 05-AUG-2022

Name/Value Pairs

Params, for an appropriate content type, and Headers can be specified as name/value pairs. HttpCommand gives you some flexibility in how you specify name/value pairs. You may use:

  • A vector of depth 2 or ¯2 with an even number of elements.
    ('name' 'dyalog' 'age' 39)
  • A vector of 2-element vectors, HttpCommand will treat each sub-vector as a name/value pair.
    (('name' 'dyalog') ('age' 39))
  • A 2-column matrix where each row represents a name/value pair.
    2 2⍴'name' 'dyalog' 'age' 39
  • A reference to a namespace, HttpCommand will treat the variables and their values in the namespace as name/value pairs.
    ns←⎕NS '' ⋄ ns.(name age)←'dyalog' 39
    Note that the names will be alphabetical in the formatted output.